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Nootropics for Entrepreneurs - Strengthen Overall Cognition to Take More Risks and Make More Money

By Dave Wright

If you ask an entrepreneur how they do what they do, they'll probably tell you they trust their gut. But in reality, entrepreneurs trust their brain, not their gut.

Consequently, optimizing brain power may enhance cognitive traits linked to successful entrepreneurs. And that's where nootropics come in.

Nootropics for entrepreneurs can manipulate the brain to enhance focus, motivation, memory and creativity. They may even support the types of problem-solving and risk-taking entrepreneurs seem to have naturally.

As a result, we've done some research on how to foster success by naming and enhancing entrepreneurial tendencies with nootropics. Read on for the details.

How do Entrepreneurs Think?

Being an entrepreneur means being able to create and run a business. Thus, it may seem like creativity is the most important entrepreneurial trait.

However, there's much more to being a successful entrepreneur than that. Read on for the details on entrepreneurship and the brain.

Entrepreneurs' Brains Are Wired Differently

Did you know entrepreneurs' brains are actually wired differently than the rest of us? It's no joke. A scientific study from 2013 showcases the evidence.

The Stroop Test for entrepreneurs shows they think differently.

The study tested 30 entrepreneurs and 30 non-entrepreneurs with a test called the Stroop Test (pictured above). Essentially, the participants had to distinguish between a word, which was presented, and the color used to print it. Brain activity was measured for each participant throughout this test.

Somewhat surprisingly, the results showed that brain activity between the two groups was significantly different. Entrepreneur's brains were quicker to embrace and respond to ambiguous problems than non-entrepreneurs in the first stage of the test. Non-entrepreneurs, instead, tried to decipher the ambiguity before providing an answer.

Furthermore, entrepreneurs tended to decipher the ambiguity of the image in the later stage of the measurements while non-entrepreneurs did not, since they had already done so in the first stage. In other words, they were able to take risks and ask questions later.

Why do Entrepreneurs Take More Risks?

Taking risks is apparently vital for entrepreneurial success. Entrepreneurs tend to embrace problems and possible opportunities quickly as not to miss out on success.

They take more risks than others. But how do entrepreneurs manage to take risks when others don't? Well, it's all about the brain chemicals.

Research shows that risk-taking tendencies are linked to differing levels of cortisol, testosterone and oxytocin in the brain.<1>


  • high levels of the stress hormone cortisol can make us less likely to take risks by increasing anxiety, etc.
  • high levels of the sex hormone testosterone can increase our tendency to take risks by creating a flood of dopamine during risky situations.
  • high levels of the peptide hormone oxytocin may decrease our tendency to take risks by increasing generosity; levels may rise in the midst of empathy.

And so, we can conclude that the less stressed entrepreneurs feel, the better. And the more testosterone in their brain, the better.

Not to mention, it seems the old trope "nice guys finish last" actually make sense here. Being an entrepreneur doesn't require being an asshole, but it might not hurt.

Creativity is Crucial for Success

Next, creativity is another crucial part of entrepreneurship. In essence, creativity can differentiate your business from the rest. It can give you a competitive edge for maximum profit.<2>

The act of being creative involves trying out combinations of new and old ideas to create new solutions and innovations. This act requires extra sharp memory and intense focus. Hence why enhancing memory and increasing focus may help improve entrepreneurial tendencies.

In relation, creativity is also linked to task completion without having to think about the task explicitly. This is part of the creative flow state, which we'll touch on below.

Flow State

Have you ever snapped back into reality and realized you had been working without paying conscious attention? This is considered flow state: a state of supreme task completion in which our motivation to complete a task perfectly matches our ability to do so.<3>

Creatives and entrepreneurs can benefit immensely from flow state. It allows them to focus and get more work done, which means more creative ideas and solutions.

Luckily, nootropics may help us slip into flow state easier by enhancing memory, focus and motivation. We'll discuss the importance of these functions below. But you can check out our guide on Nootropics for Flow State for more information on how the brain works during flow state.

Improving Memory and Focus can Increase Odds of Success

Two more important parts of entrepreneurship in the brain are memory and focus. Think about it.

If we want to create new ideas and solutions by combining new and old ones, we need to be able to focus. Focus allows us to encode memories so we can store and retrieve them when we need them. Then, we can create new ideas and solve problems creatively. Not to mention, we can't achieve our goals without being able to focus on them.

Moreover, one study suggests those who have issues encoding and storing future goals in working memory are less likely to consider future rewards when making decisions.<4> In other words, they may be less likely to take risks that will be worth it in the future. Hence why memory and focus are so important.

Overall, memory and focus work together to initiate flow state and creativity in the entrepreneurial brain. But we can't, or won't do anything without adequate motivation.

Entrepreneurs Need Motivation for Short-Term and Long-Term Goals

Last but not least, motivation is the key to diligence. It propels us forward despite risks, possible failures, time constraints, personal struggles and all other odds. But how do entrepreneurs maintain motivation for maximum productivity under pressure?

Well, a motivated entrepreneur's brain may experience more dopamine secretion than others. So, increasing dopamine in the brain may help entrepreneurs get motivated and stay motivated.

Actually, the research shows we have two different types of dopamine neurons in our brains. They work together to "send distinct motivational messages about rewarding and non-rewarding events." Thus, promoting the synthesis of dopamine neurons may benefit entrepreneurs looking for a motivational boost.

Multitasking is rampant among entrepreneurs. However, technically, humans tend to switch between tasks quickly instead of actually working on numerous tasks at the same time.

Regardless, though, we may be able to enhance the speed and efficiency in which we switch between tasks by optimizing overall cognition. If you're interested, check out our guide on Nootropics for Multitasking.

How Can Entrepreneurs Benefit From Nootropics?

First off, nootropics are brain boosters that have shown to impact every aspect of human cognition. They work by manipulating brain chemicals to enhance brain performance during daily tasks.

Anyone can use nootropics to optimize their cognitive output. However, those looking to start and maintain a business may benefit more than others.

Nootropics for entrepreneurs can help in multiple ways including by:

  • increasing motivation
  • enhancing focus
  • sharpening memory
  • reducing reactions to stress
  • maximizing creativity
  • helping induce flow state

Basically, nootropics can help entrepreneurs push through and succeed. This is pretty important if you want to create and sustain a business. Below, we'll delve into which nootropics may help cultivate entrepreneurial success and how.

Nootropics for entrepreneurs enhance cognition to increase success.

Mind Lab Pro® Nootropics for Entrepreneurs

Here, we've listed what we think may be the best nootropic ingredients for entrepreneurs on the market today. Not to mention, each ingredient is present in our top-quality, Universal Nootropic™ supplement built for 100% Brain Power™. However, keep in mind there is no research on nootropics for entrepreneurs specifically.


L-Theanine is a nootropic supplement known for its calming effects. It can reduce negative reactions to stress to induce maximum focus, perfect for entrepreneurs. It does so by manipulating alpha waves and inhibiting excitatory brain chemicals.

Studies on L-Theanine showcase its ability to soothe anxiety and induce focus over long periods of time. For example, this study concluded L-Theanine can help "sustain attention over the timeframe of a difficult task."

In other words, it may prolong focus during tedious tasks and help us complete long-term goals. This can be beneficial for entrepreneurs who struggle to follow through.

More on Mind Lab Pro® L-Theanine

Phosphatidylserine (PS)

PS or Phosphatidylserine is a quality, research-backed nootropic. It has shown to have significant positive effects on cognition, especially memory. Hence why it may be helpful for entrepreneurs.

Specifically, there is a huge collection of evidence confirming the benefits of PS for short-term memory formation, long-term consolidation and the creation of new memories. It has also shown to increase concentration, making it one of the best nootropics for entrepreneurs.

Ultimately, phosphatidylserine supports the production of chemicals like dopamine and acetylcholine in the brain. This may be how it helps enhance cognition for entrepreneurial success.

More on Mind Lab Pro® Phosphatidylserine

Rhodiola Rosea

Rhodiola rosea is a natural nootropic that can help reduce stress. As we mentioned above, stressed entrepreneurs (measured by cortisol levels) tend to make fewer risky decisions. But entrepreneurs want to be able to make risky decisions, right?

Hence why this brain booster may be beneficial for entrepreneurs. Specifically, a review of the current literature on Rhodiola rosea shows it can manipulate the release and effect of stress hormones like cortisol in the brain.

More on Mind Lab Pro® Rhodiola Rosea

Lion's Mane Mushroom

Lion's Mane Mushroom is a nootropic supplement that can initiate the production of Nerve Growth Factor (NGF) in the brain. NGF is produced in the hippocampus, which is linked to memory. As a result, Lion's Mane Mushroom may indirectly counteract memory problems.

One in vivo study shows Lion's Mane Mushroom "contains compounds" that initiate the production of NGF.<5> This confirms the positive effects of Lion's Mane Mushroom for memory and possibly, entrepreneurship. However, more research needs to be done.

More on Mind Lab Pro® Lion’s Mane Mushroom


Mind Lab Pro® supplies an all-natural, universal cognitive supplement complete with 11 research-backed nootropics for entrepreneurs to support entrepreneurial brain functions.

  • Such a quality cognitive supplement may enhance focus, memory, motivation and reduce stress to maximize productivity and secure commitment to goals.

All in all, nootropics for entrepreneurs may indirectly help with problem-solving, risk-taking and creating new ideas. They can also help us follow through with our goals. However, we may not be able to set goals without visualizing them first. Check out our guide on Nootropics for Visualization to learn more.

These statements have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

This article is an opinion and explanation of current research given by the author. It is not an expression of a medical diagnosis or treatment and should not be relied on as such.

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