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Mind Lab Pro® Scholarship

By Mind Lab Pro

Mind Lab Pro®is pleased to announce our 2018 Natural Academic Scholarship Essay Contest, which will award $2,500 each. First annual Natural Academic Scholarship, which will award$2,500 each.

*Entry to the Mind Lab Pro Scholarship is NOW CLOSED*

The Natural Academic Scholarships will be awarded to the two students who best express their perspective on nonmedical stimulant drug abuse (a term that refers to using pharmaceutical attention drugs without a prescription or doctor’s supervision) in academic settings. As they determine the winners, our judges will also consider how student entrants exemplify the success that can be achieved with a drug-free lifestyle.

The Natural Academics Scholarship is open to all incoming freshmen, as well as undergraduate and graduate students who are currently enrolled in a college or university in the United States. To be eligible for consideration, students must submit their completed application and finished essay no later than July 1, 2018.

Student Entry Requirements

To participate in Mind Lab Pro®’s Natural Academics Scholarship contest, a student must:

  1. Provide a current, complete transcript of grades showing a GPA of 3.5 or above
  2. Be enrolled as a full-time college student no later than the Fall 2018 semester
  3. Be committed to natural academics, free of nonmedical prescription stimulants
  4. Complete a simple application
  5. Submit a cover letter and resume
  6. Submit a photo or short video (*optional)
  7. Submit a thoughtful, well-written essay of no more than 1,500 words on this year’s topic: “Why I refuse to take prescription stimulants in an academic setting.”

Consider these questions as you compose your essay:

  • How does your brain affect and enhance aspects of your life is a student? Classroom attention and focus are part of this, but athletics, performing arts, and even socializing are equally valid aspects of brainpower. Feel free to be creative.
  • What is your opinion on students using non-medical prescription stimulants to gain an edge in academics?
  • Why have you decided to avoid these stimulant drugs? Ethics, dependence concerns, potential health risks, or other reasons?
  • What kind of natural strategies do you employ to increase brainpower? Getting enough sleep, meditating, diet, supplements, exercise, or other strategies?

How we choose a winner:

Students’ accomplishments, abilities, grades, and extracurricular activities will all be considered, but the essay holds the most weight in making our decision.

When you’re ready, send your essay, along with other application components, via email to .

Terms & Conditions
Details: Submitting essays to Opti-Nutra, Ltd.’s Natural Academics Scholarship contest constitutes your consent and permission for Opti-Nutra, Ltd. and any of its affiliates to use your name, photograph (if submitted), video (if submitted), and written story (to be referred to as the “essay” in whole or part) for promotional and advertising purposes to promote Opti-Nutra, Ltd. and its affiliates and their businesses, nutritional supplements, in any media and in any manner whatsoever (including, without limitation, print advertisements, catalogs and internet advertisements), without limitation or restriction, and without any compensation or reference to the student, the photographer or videographer (if any) or anyone else affiliated with the student.  Upon submission to Opti-Nutra, Ltd., the essay materials become the property of Opti-Nutra, Ltd. and submission of essay materials shall be deemed a voluntary transfer to Opti-Nutra, Ltd. of all of the student’s right, title and interest (including, without limitation, copyright or any other propriety and common law rights) in an student’s essay materials.  By submitting essay, the student unconditionally and irrevocably waives any and all rights to bring any claim, action or proceeding against Opti-Nutra, Ltd. or any of its affiliates.  Opti-Nutra, Ltd. reserves the right to reject user essays for any reason. Opti-Nutra, Ltd. reserves the right edit or revise essays for grammatical reasons, space considerations, or to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements. By submitting an essay to Opti-Nutra, Ltd, student acknowledges that he/she has read and understood the terms set forth herein and agrees to be bound by such terms and conditions.
Release: By submitting entry materials to Opti-Nutra, Ltd., the student unconditionally and irrevocably releases and discharges Opti-Nutra, Ltd. and its affiliates, and their respective directors, officers, employees, agents, advisors and independent contractors from any and all liability, losses, claims, damages, complaints, fees or expenses (including, without limitation, attorney’s fees, fees of other professionals, court costs and all investigative costs and expenses) incurred by student resulting, directly or indirectly, from sharing essays, or arising out of Opti-Nutra, Ltd.’s use of the student’s entry materials.

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This article is an opinion and explanation of current research given by the author. It is not an expression of a medical diagnosis or treatment and should not be relied on as such.

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